Sunday, August 24, 2014

My European credentials

Since I got into a debate over race and genetics with "Aparition42" on Disqus, I thought I would post my genetic testing results, along with admixture and haplogroups..

Paternal haplogroup I2a2b (Celtic-Germanic) - likely origin: Rhineland

Haplogroup I2a2b (L38/S154)

I2a2b (formerly I2b2) has a distribution mostly limited to Alpine Italy (esp. Piedmont), Switzerland, the German Rhineland, the Harz mountains, the Low Countries, eastern France, and the British Isles (with the exception of Cornwall, Wales, Cumbria and the Scottish Highlands).

Four out of the six samples from the 3000-year old Lichtenstein Cave in central Germany belonged to L38+. The cave was part of the Bronze Age Urnfield Culture. Based on the STR dating, it is believed that this lineage spread from Germany to England via Belgium in the Late Iron Age with the Celtic people of the La Tène Culture. I2a2b is therefore essentially a Alpine Celtic haplogroup.

The distribution of I2-L38 matches fairly well that of haplogroup R1b-U152 north of the Alps. Both haplogroups are also found at low frequency in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and central Turkey, probably reflecting the migration of La Tène Celts in the third century BCE (see map). R1b-U152 is associated with both the Central European Celts (Unetice, Urnfield, Hallstatt, La Tène) and the Italic people. I2-L38 being limited to the Alpine region in Italy, mostly the north-west where Gaulish tribes settled, it is likely that I2-L38 was brought to Italy by Celtic migrations many centuries after the arrival of Italic tribes from the Alpine Danube region. I2-L38 people would therefore have been autochthonous to the region between the Alps, Central Germany and the Low Countries and were assimilated into the Celtic society during the Hallstatt or La Tène period.

Maternal haplogroup U5a2b (Nordic-Baltic) - likely origin: Sweden

Carriers of haplogroup U5 might have entered Europe during the Aurignacian (45,000 to 35,000 years ago) or during the Gravettian period (32,000 to 22,000 years ago). It is unlikely to have arrived later. During the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM, 26,000 to 19,000 years ago), U5 people would have retreated into refugia in southern Europe, from which they would have re-expanded during the Late Glacial and postglacial periods.
It is likely that U5a and U5b lineages already existed prior to the LGM and they were geographically scattered to some extent around Europe before the growing ice sheet forced people into the refugia. Nonetheless, founder effects among the populations of each LGM refugium would have amplified the regional division between U5b and U5a. U5b would have been found at a much higher frequency in the Franco-Cantabrian region. We can deduce this from the fact that modern Western Europeans have considerably more U5b than U5a, but also because the modern Basques and Cantabrians possess almost exclusively U5b lineages. What's more, all the Mesolithic U5 samples from Iberia whose subclade could be identified belonged to U5b.
Conversely, only U5a lineages have been found so far in Mesolithic Russia (U5a1) and Sweden (U5a1 and U5a2), which points at an eastern origin of this subclade. Mesolithic samples from Poland, Germany and Italy yielded both U5a and U5b subclades. German samples included U5a2a, U5a2c3, U5b2 and U5b2a2.
The same observations are valid for the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods too, with U5a1 being found in Russia and Ukraine, U5b in France (Cardium Pottery and Megalithic), U5b2 in Portugal. Once again, both U5a and U5b were found in Germany, although with a much higher proportion of U5b this time - especially U5b2a, which was found both among farmers and fisher-gatherers. What's interesting is the appearance of isolated U5a1 samples in Catalonia and Portugal, both circa 3000 BCE.
Mesolithic Europeans would have belonged essentially to Y-haplogroup I, with R1a being present mostly in eastern Europe. The rare Y-haplogroup C was also found, and haplogroup F could also have been there. Five Mesolithic U5 samples, all dating from c. 8,000 years ago, were tested for both mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomal DNA. An individual from leon in northern Spain belonged to mtDNA U5b2c1 and Y-DNA C1a2 (Olalde et al. 2014). Another one from Loschbour in Luxembourg belonged to mtDNA U5b1a and Y-DNA I2. Three men from Motala in southern Sweden belonged respectively to U5a1 and U5a2 and to Y-haplogroups I2 and I*, possibly pre-I1 (Lazaridis et al. 2013).

Autosomal DNA admixture:

Red square is me
In a Principle Component Analysis, I cluster around the French and Swiss (Alpine), pretty consistent with the Rhineland hypothesis of I2a2b.

Further admixture results from GEDMatch:

Amerindian 0.25%
Arabian 0.66%
Armenian 1.90%
Basque -
Central_African -
Central_Euro 6.45%
East_African -
East_Asian -
East_Balkan 2.79%
East_Central_Asian -
East_Central_Euro 14.22%
East_Med 5.41%
Eastern_Euro 9.72%
Fennoscandian 7.92%
French 5.17%
Iberian 8.18%
Indo-Chinese -
Italian 6.70%
Malayan -
Near_Eastern 4.42%
North_African -
North_Atlantic 9.09%
North_Caucasian 0.97%
North_Sea 9.44%
Northeast_African -
Oceanian -
Omotic -
Pygmy -
Siberian -
South_Asian 1.64%
South_Central_Asian 0.65%
South_Chinese -
Volga-Ural 1.29%
West_African -
West_Caucasian -
West_Med 3.12%

Populations that I come closest to are French, German, and Swede, going by Autosomes.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Re-examining the DDR, Part I

It seems to me that East Germany gets an unfair shake from nationalists. Yes, it was officially a Soviet-aligned Communist satellite state. To nationalists, this was the epitome of evil: a once-proud Prussian people under the eternally-stomping boot of Judeo-Bolshevism. But was that really the case? Between American-aligned capitalist satellite state West Germany and Communist East Germany, which was really the lesser of two evils? Which nation did a better job of preserving its "German-ness"?

I will lay out the case that the DDR (East Germany) was the lesser of two evils for nationalists and even had the potential to become the nationalist Germany. One thing is for sure - East Germany, in terms of nationalism, had a lot going for it - so much so that nationalists in West Germany saw it as preferable to the degenerate nation-wrecking debauchery of Americanism seen in the West.

The SED: A vehicle for German (and White) Nationalism?

Like every other nationalist, I was, for the longest time, dismissive of East Germany as just another Zio-Judeo-Bolshevist state. The people were oppressed. German-ness repressed. And I just assumed Jews held all important government positions and the poor German women unfortunate enough to get stuck in East Germany were forced to race-mix and their children were all half-breeds. Once I actually did the research, I was very pleasantly surprised by how wrong I really was in that ill-informed opinion. Take for example, in the early 1950s, the Soviet-sponsored East German government had made an honest attempt to reconcile with old Nazi enemies like Otto Strasser. But it wasn't just reconciliation; the East German government had in fact invited Otto Strasser to join them in helping rebuild this part of Germany and be part of the government.

Well that just sounds crazy, doesn't it? A Communist government invited a Nazi to join their government? Absurd! And why hadn't I heard of this before? Perhaps there is more that's been kept from being common knowledge? I'm certain of it:

A problem for the Soviets that they identified with the early SED was its potential to develop into a nationalist party. At large party meetings, members applauded speakers who talked of nationalism much more than when they spoke of solving social problems and gender equality. Some even proposed the idea of establishing an independent German socialist state free of both Soviet and Western influence, and of soon regaining the formerly German land that the Yalta Conference, and ultimately the Potsdam Conference, had (re)allocated to Poland, the USSR and Czechoslovakia.
Soviet negotiators reported that SED politicians frequently pushed past the boundaries of the political statements which had been approved by the Soviet monitors, and there was some initial difficulty making regional SED officials realize that they should think carefully before opposing the political positions decided upon by the Central Committee in Berlin.
Well, isn't that something? First they invite Nazis to join their government and then they do stuff like applaud nationalist talk of regaining lost territory? Next thing you'll tell me is that the SED was even racially nationalistic. Yeah right.

Look at all those white people
Modern Germany, the Federal Republic thereof, has been having a very serious battle with immigration. She's getting bombarded with it and the native birth rate is God-awful at under 1.4 children per woman. Diversity! Diversity everywhere! But this problem seems to have plagued West Germany since after WWII, starting with the mischlingskinder babies. In the immediate aftermath of WWII, black American servicemen had their way with German women, producing 5,000 of these "brown babies". That's a lot of rape. This didn't happen in the East. In fact, I can't find any reports or statistics of miscegenation occurring in the East.

But here is what I did come across when it came to immigration in East Germany: there was no immigration. The way immigration worked in East Germany was that if you were not from a Warsaw Pact nation, you could not permanently stay in East Germany. You could only work for a set period of time, from 2 - 6 years, and then you were required to leave and return to your home nation. In other words, immigration was temporary and contractual work-based. Imagine for a moment making this argument to Americans given the Mexico border crisis and hordes of third-worlders crossing in: "They can stay temporarily and work for 5 years. Then they must leave if they are not white." Wow. That would just cause the Left to explode with accusations of EVIL NAZI! despite the fact that this is the precise policy East Germany had.

Here is a gem:

Beginning in the 1960s, initially mainly to give them training and then, as time went on, to fill a hole in its own workforce, the GDR brought in hundreds of thousands of workers from friendly countries through agreements with their governments.
The workers' contracts lasted between two and six years depending on their country of origin. At the end of their contracts they were supposed to leave.
And another:

 By the mid-1980s, Vietnamese, along with Mozambicans, comprised the main groups of foreign labourers in the GDR.[10] From a population of just 2,482 in 1980, the number of Vietnamese residents of East Germany grew to 59,053 by 1989, with the largest influx in 1987 and 1988.[11] They were concentrated mainly in Karl-Marx-Stadt, Dresden, Erfurt, East Berlin, and Leipzig.[12] Their contracts were supposed to last for five years, after which they would return home.[4]
Wow, East Germany. I'm impressed! I'd have a very similar policy. It seems like East Germany really wanted to protect its racial makeup.

 To be continued...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Natural Selection: People seek out their own kind

The Left's latest strategy in undermining common sense in the denial of the existence of race as a biological reality, as we are observing in Sweden -- one of the "whitest" places on Earth. Our natural reaction is anger at the absurdity of this.

But do we really need to get angry about this? Clearly this is subversive and absurd, but can their absurdity of "race is a social construct" really change anything? Sure, they'll get some weak-minded fools to believe and even repeat this nonsense. But so what? Can they really change the laws of nature, id est natural selection?

According to at least one peer-reviewed scientific study, the answer is NO. In fact, it's as if people can sniff out people that are genetically similar to themselves, often times making friendships with people who are their kin and they don't even realize it, usually around the neighborhood of 3rd to 6th cousin:


More than any other species, humans form social ties to individuals who are neither kin nor mates, and these ties tend to be with similar people. Here, we show that this similarity extends to genotypes. Across the whole genome, friends’ genotypes at the single nucleotide polymorphism level tend to be positively correlated (homophilic). In fact, the increase in similarity relative to strangers is at the level of fourth cousins. However, certain genotypes are also negatively correlated (heterophilic) in friends. And the degree of correlation in genotypes can be used to create a “friendship score” that predicts the existence of friendship ties in a hold-out sample. A focused gene-set analysis indicates that some of the overall correlation in genotypes can be explained by specific systems; for example, an olfactory gene set is homophilic and an immune system gene set is heterophilic, suggesting that these systems may play a role in the formation or maintenance of friendship ties. Friends may be a kind of “functional kin.” Finally, homophilic genotypes exhibit significantly higher measures of positive selection, suggesting that, on average, they may yield a synergistic fitness advantage that has been helping to drive recent human evolution.
 In addition to our friendships, our marital and mating partners are also, most of the time, related to us in the realm of 3rd to 6th cousin

 Understanding the social and biological mechanisms that lead to homogamy (similar individuals marrying one another) has been a long-standing issue across many fields of scientific inquiry. Using a nationally representative sample of non-Hispanic white US adults from the Health and Retirement Study and information from 1.7 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms, we compare genetic similarity among married couples to noncoupled pairs in the population. We provide evidence for genetic assortative mating in this population but the strength of this association is substantially smaller than the strength of educational assortative mating in the same sample. Furthermore, genetic similarity explains at most 10% of the assortative mating by education levels. Results are replicated using comparable data from the Framingham Heart Study.

Humanity as a whole -- and Europeans specifically -- are surprisingly inbred due to multiple population bottlenecks. This is not necessarily a bad thing. There is plenty of genetic variation within the greater European family as it is. So this ability to sniff out our genetic relations must be an evolutionary trait thanks to natural selection.

So much for "social construct", huh?

The Collapse of the Western World in one news article

In one news article, the entire collapse of Western Civilization is summed up in one minor incident in Great Britain recently:

A man saw an elderly woman getting mugged by an Asian (read: Paki) and as he pummeled the one mugger that didn't flee the scene, a group of women come running out of the bar screeching: "Racist!!!" because the mugger was Asian and Mr. Hero was white:

Mr Stapleton dropped his drink and rushed from the bar to confront the remaining mugger.
“I rugby tackled him in the middle of the road,” he said.
“He squirmed away from me, so I just clumped him.”
The struggle attracted the attention of diners at the Nice Croissant Café but, just as Mr Stapleton managed to get a grip on the mugger, a crowd of women rushed out and started screaming at him.
Mr Stapleton said: “Some of them were shouting ‘It’s a racist attack!’ because the guy was Asian.
“I had him pinned down and was screaming at the people in the bar to call the police, but with all these women shouting at me I lost my concentration and let him go.”

It's the story of our collapse in one sentence, right there.

Imagine where we would be if that we simply stopped listen to women and hipsters...